
‘Claimant Commitment’ sanction threat falls on jobseekers; blundering DWP staff get away with murder

Great article by Vox Political following on from mine on the new ‘Claimant Commitment’. I’ll be looking forward to the response to that FOI request with great interest and impatience!


  1. I can see the potential for civil and criminal offences, which is all covered by contract law.

  2. The preparation of a Claimant Commitment by someone who has absolute power and control but little commons sense or understanding can, from my experience lead to unlawful and perverse behaviour, which causes enormous distress as well as physical and financial harm for many people.

    1. The problem is that legal aid has been withdrawn for cases like this and the appeals process for the Claimant Commitment has been weakened and made more drawn out to scupper the skint claimant and prevent them even daring to challenge them!

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